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The Carson Concept

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Apr 05, 2023

rob carson on RowergBorn and raised with an athletic upbringing in Long Beach, New York, Rob Carson spent much of his time competing in ice hockey. He also had a background in swimming and running. After a serious injury on the job as a New York City police officer, Rob found himself retired at the age of 31, but he still had the itch to compete. He began to row, and quickly found that rowing fulfilled his need to be competitive. He also saw the crossover benefits that rowing had on many other sports. Continue Reading ›

4 Spring Training Strategies

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Mar 23, 2023

woman on bikeerg in boathouseSeasonal transitions can be challenging times for a fitness routine. The weather doesn’t always cooperate; new activities can cause sore muscles, and change isn’t always smooth. On the bright side, the change of seasons provides an opportunity for positive change, a time to introduce new activities in your plan, and a chance to involve some new muscles. Continue Reading ›

The PM5 Gives you Choices

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Mar 21, 2023

PM5 on SkiErgThe Performance Monitor 5 (PM5) is the brain behind the Concept2 RowErg, SkiErg and BikeErg and offers reliable, accurate workout data, easy navigation, preprogrammed and custom workouts, heart rate monitoring capability, and games, to name a few. It's also compatible with a host of apps that can enhance your workout experience. Continue Reading ›

Nearly 100 Countries on the Real Time Loop!

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Mar 20, 2023

loop screenshotI needed a bit of motivation when I climbed on my erg this morning, so I connected to ErgData and headed out to see who was on the Real Time Loop, a virtual course where you can work out with other members of the Concept2 community. I started rowing, eager to see who was there, and which countries were represented. There were 12 countries at that moment, but so many more have been on the loop since it's inception! Continue Reading ›

Tags: Oars

Getting Started On Water: Everything You’ll Need

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Mar 02, 2023

woman scullerIt’s exciting to transition your stroke from indoor exercise to an outdoor experience. Learning to row a single is a great way to get started! You’ll need a few more things other than a boat and oars to row on water. Assuming you’ve already found a body of water to row on, a boat, and a place to store your shell, read on for details of boat transportation and care. Continue Reading ›


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